Disclaimer: Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Lisa Ludovici does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.
Medical support hypnosis is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnosis services are provided.
Medical Support Hypnosis

Helping People Live Happier, Healthier, More Fulfilling Lives.
Lisa Ludovici
Certified Medical Support Hypnotist
Self-Hypnosis is the most powerful self-help technique known to humanity.
Hypnosis is Safe
With hypnosis, there are no adverse side effects. When you are in hypnosis, you can expect to be mentally and physically relaxed while still being aware and entirely in control.
Hypnosis is Natural
The hypnotic trance is a naturally-occurring state of mind. Everyone experiences this state each day. When you daydream, become engrossed in an intriguing movie, zone out watching a TV show, lose track of time reading a good novel, you’re experiencing a natural, yet altered state of mind.
You have the natural ability to go into hypnosis. With my help, you can learn to use this ability to make desirable, lasting changes in your life. Think of it as learning to reprogram your subconscious mind. You can reprogram negative thought patterns and release bad habits to have a healthier and more productive life. It’s amazingly simple yet utterly profound!
Hypnosis is Proven
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has documented over 11,000 recent credible research studies supporting hypnosis for medical and psychological healing. The American Medical Association approved hypnosis in 1958.
I am living proof of how hypnosis can transform a life; after living 40 years with an average of 17 chronic and debilitating migraines a month and decades of searching for relief, I healed with hypnotherapy. To this day, I live migraine free.
Hypnosis is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person’s internal resources to assist in solving problems, increasing motivation, healing, and/or altering behavior patterns to create positive change.
Hypnosis is a natural yet altered state of mind, where your mind is relaxed, highly focused, and open to positive suggestions. The subconscious mind is where all our thoughts, feelings, emotions, behaviors, and controls of our body live, it is responsible for about 95% of our life. The conscious mind is where our analytical thought, willpower, and five senses live which makes up the other 5% of our life. The most effective way to make lasting change is to bypass the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind to examine your beliefs about yourself and how you view the world. Hypnosis allows us to free ourselves from fear-based programming and assumed limitations. This provides for an ongoing experience of your natural state of joy, health, abundance, and love. This is a partnership where we work together to achieve your goal. You are in control...I am simply your guide.
Hypnosis has helped many to change limiting beliefs and improve health and well-being. Hypnosis is fast, easy, and effective.
It has been extensively studied and is used worldwide.
Hypnosis may help you:
Reduce Stress
Achieve a Goal
Grow Spiritually
Heal Traumatic Memories
Live with a Positive Attitude
Increase Memory & Recall
Feel More Calm and Relaxed
Increase Motivation
End Unwanted Habits
Feel More Confident
Speak in Public with Ease
Give Birth with Comfort & Ease
Increase Overall Well-being
Reduce or Eliminate Pain*
Live Free of Migraines*
Increase Fertility*
Feel More Calm & Relaxed
Accelerate Intra-Operative Healing
Reduce Pre-operative Anxiousness
Intra-operative Support
Control Post-Operative Pain
Accelerate Healing*
Normalization of Digestion for IBS*
Reach Your Healthy Body Shape & Size
Regain Natural Sleep Pattern
Eliminate Needle Phobias
Burn Care from Radiation Treatment
for Cancer Care
*Must be assessed by a physician.
Because a person’s attitude and decision to heal are the most important factors in their successful outcome, this list is in fact endless.