Disclaimer: Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Lisa Ludovici does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.
Medical support hypnosis is used only as an adjunct to conventional medical treatment. Consultation with a licensed physician is required before medical support hypnosis services are provided.
Medical Support Hypnosis

Helping People Live Happier, Healthier, More Fulfilling Lives.
Lisa Ludovici
Certified Medical Support Hypnotist
The Mind/Body Connection is Essential in Healing
Doctor Recommended for Migraine Relief
Lisa has been instrumental in providing exceptional care for many of my patients. Hypnotism for migraines offers our patients an alternative, non-pharmacological therapy that many patients have never even considered. Numerous patients of mine reported significant improvement in their migraines following Lisa's suggestions & sessions. My patients have all been very, very pleased with the work they have done or are doing with Lisa.
Christin Ann Isik, MSN, ANP-BC
Adult Nurse Practitioner
Formerly of the New York Headache Center
Doctor Recommended for Healing Pain, Illness, and End Suffering
"Lisa Ludovici, through the power of hypnosis, will teach you tools to reduce pain and focus your body toward healing."
Jason Siefferman, MD
Medical Director, Manhattan Pain Medicine, PLLC
Interventional Pain Management at Veterans Health Administration
Watch and listen to Mary share her story about healing sciatica pain with hypnosis.
Mary Aranas, Yoga, and Acrobatics Teacher
New York City, NY
Doctor Recommended for Increase Fertility
As a Reproductive Specialist, it is essential to try to elucidate the cause(s) of infertility, as quickly as possible. Since the Hypothalamic Pituitary Ovarian/Testicular axis is pivotal to both ovulation in the woman and sperm production in the male, problems with the HPO or HPT axis are encountered relatively frequently. In addition, a host of eating disorders ( e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and morbid obesity) are not infrequently encountered in our field. A host of psychological factors such as denial, anxiety, depression, anger, or fear are present in many of our patients and they contribute to a variety of reproductive dysfunctions. If the underlying causes are clearly identified, appropriate treatment interventions can be outlined to maximize pregnancy success rates. Lisa Ludovici brings an invaluable service with her skills and training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Using these modalities, she is able to quickly address the root cause(s). I have seen patients return to my practice after just a few sessions with Lisa, much more relaxed and visibly less fearful of treatment and the outcome and far more resigned to their circumstances than they were prior to their sessions with Lisa.
Lisa Ludovici is a talented and gifted hypnotherapist and I am happy to be able to rely on her skills and services in the management of some of my patients. Her work in the business world prior to embarking on her journey into the world of hypnosis brings an added dimension. Lisa’s work can be pivotal for those who believe in the important role of the Mind-Body Connection.
Joel Batzofin, M.D.; F.A.C.O.G.
Medical Director, New York Fertility Services
New York, NY
Back Pain & War Injuries
Morton Gerard, an 84-year-old Marine Corps Veteran ’47- ’55, looks younger than his age. He carries his tall, lean frame erectly and walks briskly, carrying his backpack. He talks enthusiastically about his work as an interior designer. But, for many years, until recent months, he was plagued by low back and neck pain and migraine-type headaches. His pain was resistant to physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications. Three months ago, he was referred by his neurologist to the Pain Rehab Program for six weeks of Feldenkrais therapy, for one hour each week with Kira Charles, and two hours hypnosis with Harbor Hypnotherapist Lisa Ludovici.
Feldenkrais movement education Hypnotherapy are among some of the non-traditional therapies available at VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, as part of the Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program led by medical director Dr. Jason Siefferman. VA has recruited healers in Clinical Hypnosis, Feldenkrais, and Acupuncture in the last nine months to "teach patients about the psychology of pain, anatomy, and biomechanics, and introduce them to alternative therapies.”
Gerard responded rapidly. And, he continues daily practice at home since completing the program a month ago. “I have improved flexibility, can bend down to the floor,” he says, as he demonstrated picking up a pen from the ground. He was taught “common sense tips.” How to do things without pain, such as climbing stairs by lifting his leg, using his foot as a piston, pushing his body up, and to widen his gait, walking down ramps to improve his balance. Kira told me “forget the Marines, no more step marching in place. She gave me the lead, and I can adapt it to create my own relief.”
The second piece of his pain control was learning to use self-hypnosis. “The key to hypnosis is to be willing to accept it and work at it, or else it won’t work - you have to be susceptible,” says Gerard. “The mind is pre-programmed by previous experiences and expectations. You have to eliminate certain words like pain and substitute less extreme words like uncomfortable.”
He puts himself “in a trance” by sitting in a comfortable chair, closing his eyes, breathing deeply, and slowly thinking of relaxing things. He follows through a routine of images for 15 minutes, twice a day, and awakens relaxed and refreshed. His migraines resolved after 3 sessions and his back pain improved by 80%.
Ms. Charles has much experience teaching Feldenkrais, from babies with developmental delays to elderly people with strokes and chronic pain. She examines the individuals’ “bad habits of movement” which lead to pain so she can teach better ways to move and so ameliorate or cure the symptoms.
Ms. Ludovici met Dr. Siefferman three years ago while lecturing on medical hypnotherapy at Mt. Sinai’s Anesthesia group. He convinced her to join the Harbor’s Pain Management Team, where she works with both groups and individuals. ”Many Veterans have tried all kinds of treatment to heal pain and find comfort, so often I’m the last resort,” she says. “ Physical pain comes with chronic emotional pain. Physical and mental traumas are interconnected. They go hand in hand. I work with both and use the mind to help emotional pain.” She says that with less pain, patients find more joy, go out and interact more often, sleep better, and have better relationships.
Article by Dr. Margaret Dessau, Volunteer at the NY Harbor Healthcare System
Doctor Recommended for Increase Fertility
As a Reproductive Specialist, it is essential to try to elucidate the cause(s) of infertility, as quickly as possible. Since the Hypothalamic Pituitary Ovarian/Testicular axis is pivotal to both ovulation in the woman and sperm production in the male, problems with the HPO or HPT axis are encountered relatively frequently. In addition, a host of eating disorders ( e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and morbid obesity) are not infrequently encountered in our field. A host of psychological factors such as denial, anxiety, depression, anger, or fear are present in many of our patients and they contribute to a variety of reproductive dysfunctions. If the underlying causes are clearly identified, appropriate treatment interventions can be outlined to maximize pregnancy success rates. Lisa Ludovici brings an invaluable service with her skills and training in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Using these modalities, she is able to quickly address the root cause(s). I have seen patients return to my practice after just a few sessions with Lisa, much more relaxed and visibly less fearful of treatment and the outcome and far more resigned to their circumstances than they were prior to their sessions with Lisa.
Lisa Ludovici is a talented and gifted hypnotherapist and I am happy to be able to rely on her skills and services in the management of some of my patients. Her work in the business world prior to embarking on her journey into the world of hypnosis brings an added dimension. Lisa’s work can be pivotal for those who believe in the important role of the Mind-Body Connection.
Joel Batzofin, M.D.; F.A.C.O.G.
Medical Director, New York Fertility Services
New York, NY
​Migraine Relief
I came for hypnotherapy because I was suffering from chronic headaches/migraines after I fell on my head and was diagnosed with a concussion! I had been dealing with daily headaches for 2 and a half years before I was recommended by my pain management doctor, Dr. Danesh, from Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. I found our hypnotherapy sessions to be healing and therapeutic. It was an inner journey toward self-healing and acceptance. I always walked away or rather floated away after our sessions feeling ethereal with an almost out-of-body sensation of bliss! I feel gratitude towards Lisa and the hypnotherapy healing we did together, I hardly ever experience any headaches. When and if I do they are rare and I utilize the tools Lisa taught me, I listen to my tape and the uncomfortable sensations in my head disappear!
I would recommend hypnosis with Lisa to one and all! It is a brilliant magical modality of healing!
God bless you, Lisa. My gratitude towards you and hypnotherapy is a daily mantra I express every morning!
Being pain-free after so long of feeling chronic pain is pure BLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ora Ramat, Yoga Instructor, and Owner at Wagging Tail Yoga
New York, NY
Increased Fertility
I was recommended to see Lisa by my physiatrist, and while he was treating me for shoulder pain, the subject of pregnancy and fertility came up. After listening to my doctor’s endorsement and praise for Lisa, I was very curious and open to the idea of hypnotherapy and the benefits during fertility treatment.
I was 41 years old and on my third IVF treatment when I first saw Lisa. After the first visit and every visit thereafter, I felt incredible. Each day I practiced the tools that Lisa gave me, and I feel that hypnosis has proven the mind and body connection.
I recently turned 42 and am now 22 weeks pregnant! (naturally, without hormones and treatment!)
Lisa is an extremely talented hypnotherapist and I would highly recommend her to anyone.
New York, NY
Pre-Operative Anxiousness & Intra-Operative Healing
Lisa, Thank you for your help! When I was faced with having to have surgery I was petrified. I had a really unpleasant time in the hospital when I was much younger and have hated hospitals ever since. Because I HAD to have this surgery, I knew I must find a way to get through it and stay calm so I can heal.
The sessions I did with you cleared my fears and I went into surgery ready and calm. The CD that you did for me to use during surgery must have worked…my doctor said that it went well and I did not bleed much. Last week I went in for my follow up and my doctor said that I am healing faster than he expected. AND I feel great!
Meryl S.
New York City
​Hip Replacement, Pre-Operative Anxiousness & Intra-Operative Healing
I've been bragging about you all day!!! The audio and my experience with you were tremendous and made all the difference. Tomorrow when I’m a bit less loopy I’ll write to you all about it. Thank you, Lisa!!!!!!!
Confidential, New York, NY
Weight Release & Self-Confidence
I needed to write, and thank you for today's session. All the sessions so far have been enlightening, but I felt really moved by our work today. I appreciate what hypnosis is doing for my ability to understand myself, reshape myself, and better support myself and my efforts in living a happy life. You have been amazing to work with, and I can't believe what we've accomplished. I find it fascinating how much I learn about myself when I'm hypnotized and believe all of these revelations and ministrations make me a stronger and more joy-filled person.
Again - thank you.
New York, NY
Forever A Non-Smoker
I wanted to say thank you. Things have been going great and you did a really great job helping me out. I haven't smoked since our first meeting and I feel awesome! Happy 2014 and thank you again!
New York City, NY
Broken Back, Pain, Traumatic Memory of Injury
I am writing this letter to share with others who are experiencing extreme physical and emotional pain, dependency on pain-killers, depression, lack of sleep, and constant bad news from top doctors.
On January 2, 2012, on an excursion trip in the Dominican Republic, I jumped off a 4 story cliff into a lagoon. Unfortunately, I landed in a sitting position causing my spine to compress on impact. My 12th vertebrae was shattered and pushing into my spinal cord causing my legs to become paralyzed from the waist down and my vocal cords to be weakened to a whisper. After being moved around poorly for 3 days of travel, we finally got back to New York where I live.
With a team of surgeons, my vertebra was rebuilt. A bone graph was taken from my hip, a cage, 4 rods, and 4 pins were put in to hold my spine together, and my tenth rib was removed to allow the surgeons more space to get to the spine. Altogether I had 3 large incisions to heal from. I was given high doses of pain killers for my petite 100lb body. 30mg of oxycodone, and 30mg of methadone along with many more that left me loopy and confused.
Nine months after surgery, I was still in severe pain and on 30mg of oxycodone, and completely dependent on it. Every 4 hours I would get to take another pill, but after 3 hours I was in excruciating pain and craving another pain killer. Naturally, I am a Type A personality, very organized, and in control. I am a wife and a mother to a 1-year-old, so being SO out of control and unable to take care of myself, let alone the people around me, caused me to become depressed. One of my pain management doctors suggested that I see a Physiatrist named Dr. Houman Danesh. I did and I really liked him. He insisted that I see a psychiatrist. I went to 4 sessions and felt that it wasn’t helping me heal. I would talk and talk for 50 minutes pay the fee and leave. Dr. Danesh then recommended that I see Lisa Ludovici for hypnotherapy. I thought he was joking when he told me she was a hypnotist, so I started laughing. Up until this point, my journey was long and filled with pain and frustration. As it turned out, this is where my journey really begins. The journey to healing.
In my first session, (which I was very skeptical of) Lisa explained to me how hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind work. I was worried that she would put me to sleep and make me bark like a dog. It turns out hypnotherapy is NOT like that at all! She told me that she would teach me how to bring myself to a complete state of relaxation and let go of the negative, and only bring in the positive. Lisa was very sensitive to my needs, never belittling what I was going through or making me feel like it was all in my head. She taught me that the pain I was experiencing was real, however, my mind is stronger and I can eliminate the pain. Through very few sessions of hypnotherapy and audios discs that Lisa made for me, the pain no longer took control of my body. For the past year, my life was so out of control, and now suddenly I was in control again! When I felt pain, I followed the directions Lisa taught me no matter where I was. Within minutes, I was fine. At this point, my confidence and self-esteem returned and I became a believer in hypnotherapy. I started to list all my other medical conditions to Lisa such as difficulty sleeping at night, severe sinus problems and pressure, postnasal drip, headaches, and stress and anxiety. I’ve been seeing Lisa once a week for only 4 months and I am thrilled to say that all of these issues are gone and I no longer need pain killers for the first time in 13 months! I now have my life back again.
Now in every profession, you find people who aren’t very good at their job, and those that are great. In my experience, I had to go through a bunch of bad doctors and psychiatrists before I got to Lisa. I recall doubting that Lisa would be able to help me since all the others weren’t able to. Lisa Ludovici is very different from any other doctor, therapist, or even hypnotherapist. Lisa has the “it factor”. Every doctor tells me how shocked they are at the complete turn around I made in the past four months. I credit my achievement to the wonderful healing hypnotherapy sessions I have done with Lisa Ludovici. I am forever indebted to her.
Jackie Kotler
New York City, NY
Better Sleep for 5-year old
“We've had a multitude of issues with my four-year-old son's sleep and have tried every conceivable method, product, and approach to prevent him from waking every morning at 5 AM. Nothing worked and his early rising left me and my husband physically exhausted and mentally frayed. Then Lisa provided a simple way to hypnotize our son 20 minutes after he went to sleep each night. After six days of following the routine, my son began waking up at 6 AM! It is truly life-altering and I am forever grateful.”
Sam M.
New York, NY
Calm & Comfort for Dental Surgery
The healing is going very well. In the past when I've gone in for any type of procedure, my blood pressure is through the roof due to my anxiety about it.
This time, because I had the audio, it was nice and low. They were quite surprised.
Second, the oral surgeon had said this would be a difficult procedure and the tooth was cracked and would need to come out in pieces… It would take time.
At the end of the procedure, he told me it went much faster than he expected and both teeth came out very easily.....which surprised him.
I am not surprised – I believe in the power of the mind and want to thank you so much again for fitting this in – it made all the difference to me.
I have been listening to the after-surgery healing audio 2 to 3 times a day as well.
Confidential, Boston, MA
Anxiousness on the Job & Social Settings
I suffered from anxiety when in group situations, both socially and at work. I lacked the self-confidence to be who I really am; this affected all aspects of my life. Being in sales, I need to constantly meet new people, set up appointments, and go on meetings, as well as entertain clients. I didn't feel comfortable doing this part of my job even though I know I am an expert at my company and my product.
After my first hypnosis session with Lisa, I felt an instant change! I am happier at the office, not afraid to quickly jump on the phone with clients, eager to set up meetings, and overall excited to meet new clients. My social life improved at the same time! My overall demeanor changed and I am more confident to approach women.
Lisa really helped me prioritize issues and self-actualize my daily problems by teaching me self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques. Sometimes I still feel a little anxiety creep up on me and I use the self-hypnosis techniques Lisa taught me to manage it.
My life has changed! I am less stressed, more confident, and just all-around comfortable with myself. I am not afraid to let my true sense of humor and personality shine. I am just all around happier!!”
Roberto F., Regional Sales Manager
New York, NY
​Child People-Pleasing & Being Bullied
“Our 5 and a half-year-old daughter is a sweet, caring, and loving little girl. She shows so much compassion for people and often wants to please them. We recently saw some early signs of her being bullied at school. Our daughter wouldn't tell us about her day at school and we noticed that she wasn't very confident in her school work. We knew we needed to help her immediately to gain more confidence to be herself and not compromise who she is simply to please others. We started Nighttime Hypnosis with her and now that we are at the end of the third week we are thrilled with the changes we have seen in her. Actually we saw a change in the first week, she started communicating more with us and now shares details about her day and likes to show off the lessons she has learned!
Her problem-solving skills are much better, she says to me "Mommy I'm using my Noodle". Love the independence and confidence she is displaying. My husband is the one doing the hypnosis each night and it has made him feel like he is giving his little girl the best gift possible, and we owe it all to YOU!
I highly recommend nighttime hypnosis to ALL parents. I can't thank you enough for empowering us, with such an amazing gift for our child!”
All our best!!
Kevin & Samantha
Pittsburgh, PA
Building Confidence & Successfully Publishing a Book
Before I went to see Lisa, my dream-goal of becoming a successful writer was being derailed by self-doubt, anxiety, and fear of both success and failure--and I had been struggling with these feelings for over forty years, since I was twenty, just out of college.
Lisa’s technique and practice are unrushed and very thorough. She spent a lot of time patiently talking with me, getting to understand my particular situation, and it was clear from the hypnosis session, that she had tailored her approach specifically for me.
During the hypnosis sessions (I recommend at least three), Lisa gently and compassionately guided me through inner feelings and memories, and it consistently resulted in profound revelations, new ways of thinking, and feelings of joy. Wow! The sessions were life-changing.
Lisa also teaches you how to perform self-hypnosis, which is a great asset. I do it every day, to reinforce the results from Lisa’s sessions.
My writing craft has completely transformed, and it feels like play now, with moments of joy as the words fly out. I feel confident and filled with faith as I query agents, and begin the business side of a writer’s career. I’m sure Lisa can help you, too.
New York City
Life-long Needle & Blood Phobia From Traumatic Event
I had the blood work today and it went very well. The nurse and my husband were both very surprised. And I was very surprised, too :-)
I did everything you said yesterday and I took it very calmly. I didn't react. I just closed my eyes and focused on my breathing and it was very good. I can't thank you enough for your help. Thank you again, you are amazing and truly gifted
Confidential, New York, NY
Anxiousness & Life-Purpose
I want to share my story, and my first-hand experience with Clinical Hypnosis because I have received professional help and great had results.
I truly hope it will be encouraging and inspiring to people who believe in unconventional medicine, natural body balance, and themselves.
I had the pleasure of meeting Lisa at a conference held by the New York Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; she was a presenter.
Lisa's lecture was extremely fascinating and interesting for me. From the first minute of listening to her, I realized that if I ever need help, she will be the one to ask.
One morning, I woke up clearly stating to myself that I don't know what to do with my life anymore. My kids are grown and gone. I finally got my dream job, and I am still relatively young, single, and attractive. I felt like I was lost.
I did three sessions with Lisa. The anxiety is now 90% gone! I am capable of recharging my 'batteries' at any moment I need, I feel rejuvenated, and now I clearly see my path to my future. I KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THE STRESS NOW!!!
Every day I do the self-hypnosis techniques Lisa taught me, and the more I do them, the better I feel. Now I know I am in charge of how I feel and that I create my future.
As a Pharmacist, I highly recommend hypnosis and working with Lisa. No negative side effects, just benefits. It is really amazing!
Confidential, New York, NY
Increase Healthy Behaviors
“My sessions with Lisa are undoubtedly the key to create lasting change in all areas of life. Within days of my first session, I was sleeping well, felt clear-minded, and was bounding with energy and determination. Immediately I found myself craving healthy food, exercise, and any previous struggles felt effortlessly easy. I knew that I had discovered the answer in hypnosis when even my family and friends took notice of my dramatic weight loss and glowing complexion telling me that, “it was as if someone had turned the light on the inside of me!” There are many ways to spend on self-improvement in NY however Lisa’s services create the fastest and most effective results I’ve ever experienced. If you are ready to live the life of your dreams stop everything and make an appointment; this is life-changing stuff!”
Christina P.
New York, NY
Increased Confidence at Work
“Lisa brings knowledge, passion, and compassion to her work. After working with Lisa for a short time and practicing techniques that she taught me, I have experienced amazing results! I highly recommend her.
Sandra Manley
New York City, NY